Grand Prix Racing - |
All About Fast Pinewood Cars |
[How To] | [Science] | [Worth Winning] | [Hard Copy] |
How good are your competitors' pinewood cars? When a very competitive pinewood car raced against a virtual frictionless car using mathematical models, it lost by two car lengths at the finish line. That's not bad. Your competitors are building pretty fast cars!
What about the performance of your Pinewood Grand Prix car? This website helps you take advantage of our research to build the fastest pinewood cars that your skills and science can. You may not end up with a world-record time, but you will have gained valuable insights and skills from your parent, teacher or leader that will benefit you for life.
This website is researched, modeled and written by Lastufka Labs. The series includes manuals on Pinewood Grand Prix, Raingutter Regatta, Rocket Contests, Airplane Toss and other events. This material is for personal use only and may NOT be sold or distributed (electronically or otherwise) without written permission from the authors. See our page about a printed manual or download.
Keep up with the latest pinewood developments, ask a question or tell your story. Visit Derby Talk! See you there, I'm PwEngineer. Meet the whole race team. Better yet, be part of it!
Grand Prix Racing - | All About Fast Pinewood Cars |
Copyright © 1997 to 2004 by Michael Lastufka, All rights reserved worldwide. |